Dating Your Best Friend: 8 Tips On How To Make It Work
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Dating Your Best Friend: 8 Tips On How To Make It Work

All of this is not to say that dating your best friend is always going to be a success story and easy. Some people can be great friends but not be good in terms of a relationship. Every coin has two sides and this one does too.

You’re both single

One could argue the best hugs and cuddles come from your friend zone partners because the love between friends doesn’t follow the same conditions as lovers. While there’s an expectation for affection in romantic relationships, friend zone partners don’t need to rely on physical affection to show their adoration for each other. Friends come in all lovable shades, shapes, and sizes, and it’s only natural that feelings for one of your besties may develop into something more. But it shouldn’t be feared as there are plenty of valuable benefits of having a good friend who isn’t looking to take advantage of you at every turn.

But, one young woman was shocked when she found out that her best friend had a very different perception of their relationship. When she shared her story, she was hurt by people’s responses. When she finally shared the ThaiKisses full story, people changed their tune. You and your beau should be clear with each other about your expectations. If one of you wants a serious relationship and the other does not, things will probably not work out.

You can always hang out and speak up with your best friend, and let an intense situation cool with no love lost. A best friend will be told about possible romantic interests. So get ready to be on the next episode of “Jerry Springer” because that’s the road you’re headed down by crossing that imaginary line, without being upfront and honest with all parties involved. Consequently, at some point you’re going to have to know how to help your tween navigate a breakup, especially because their first experience with a broken heart can take them by surprise.

“I realised that everything I wanted in a partner was in my best friend.”

Think carefully before dating your best friend to make sure it’s the right decision. If things don’t go the right way, you would’ve lost the two most important relationships in your life. It will just seem like someone removed a part of you or that half your life went missing overnight. They have seen you in sickness and health, been with you through life and death. They know what upsets you and what makes you happy, and they’re aware exactly how to be there for you. They already know your parents, and your parents probably love them.

Don’t start a relationship you won’t commit to. While it’s wonderful that you don’t have to start from scratch in getting to know this man as you begin dating, in some ways, you should pretend that you’re strangers. This is a whole new world to explore together, but make sure you’ve sorted out your feelings for one another before you jump into bed. You want to make sure you’ve both agreed to commit to one another…otherwise you end up in that friends with benefits situation I mentioned earlier. When you transition from friends into romantic partners, your schedules will need to adapt to meet this shift. Don’t expect that you’ll be spending the same amount of time together as you did when you were friends — it might be more or less, depending on what feels right for both of you.

Tip 7: Nurture your budding relationship

Since they know every single thing about you, it’s only natural to expect them to magically calm you down when you’re angry or cheer you up when you’re sad, right? However, understand that you need to treat this relationship like a normal one and manage your expectations accordingly. Even though you were friends for years before dating, new facets of their personality will emerge once you’re in a relationship. How does getting into a relationship with best friend feel, you may ask. Falling in love with your best guy friend or girl friend can be a little unnerving. You may spend a lot of time confused about your feelings.

Avoid talking excessively about past relationships or other crushes. You shouldn’t avoid talking about your past relationships at all, as this can be a healthy way to get to know someone’s romantic preferences and past life. However, you do not want to constantly complain about your exes or talk about how “perfect” you were together, as this can lead someone to think you aren’t over your last girl or boyfriend. If you’re dating your best friend, you may be bursting with emotions that are hard to express as you move from one relationship status to the next. Use quotes for every step of the new dating relationship to share your feelings. It’s pretty amazing to one day look at the man you’ve considered your closest confidant and see him as an attractive, intelligent man that you want to get to know on a whole other level.

Rebecca Fraser-Thill holds a Master’s Degree in developmental psychology and writes about child development and tween parenting. Mental health and wellness tips, our latest guides, resources, and more. We may receive a commission if you follow links to BetterHelp. No matter how you approach the differences in your relationship, it’s important that you aren’t fearful of conflict. You need to feel safe to express the issues that bother you and to be able to resolve conflict without humiliation, degradation, or insisting on being right. No relationship will run smoothly without regular attention, and the more you invest in each other, the more you’ll grow.

If they’re your best friend, they will tell you when you’re being annoying and needy. They’ll also tell you when a dress looks awful on you or when you need to leave your boyfriend alone and stop being paranoid. They don’t mind telling you stuff that might hurt, as long as it’s good for you.
