When you throw on the blinders of love, lust, and the prospect of romantic partnership, it can compound the challenges. ADHD can make romantic relationships more exciting… and more challenging. The only way to have a successful relationship with a person who struggles with anxiety is to try to love him or her regardless of his or her condition. As someone who has been dealing with an anxiety disorder for most of my life, I can understand the baggage that my boyfriends are taking on as a result.
They are more open to seeking help if they think they are depressed. Suggests that women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression. The high rate could result from the circumstances of their life and bodily changes that happen over time. The depressed state of a partner can be taxing for the individual and the relationship, but it is not a recipe for disaster when handled with care and compassion.
Leave something behind
Engage in relaxing activities that keep you feeling good emotionally, mentally and physically. This may mean reading a novel, going to the gym, meeting a friend for coffee or taking a nap. You have the power to help a loved one with depression, but you cannot conjure up a cure. Depression is a complicated condition that requires professional help, which often includes tools you don’t have, such as prescription medication and trained psychotherapy.
Then he would hit the “down” side and sink into the depths of depression. These wild swings put stress on his marriage and threatened to run his family’s finances into the ground. He eventually signed the house over to his wife to protect her and his two young children. Finally, he says, “She asked me to leave because she couldn’t live with the illness anymore.” Your sex drive may dip, and those butterflies you once had might disappear.
While there are ways to treat depression, there is no one-size-fits-all cure. This means that if you’re dating someone with depression now, they might have some depressive tendencies or episodes in the future, too. If you’ve recently started dating someone with depression, earning their trust might be an early challenge.
Dating Someone with Depression: Is That a Good Idea?
Last November, my News Writing and Reporting professor sent out an email that had details about working for The Odyssey. I was immediately intrigued as I love to write and I want to be an author one day, so I immediately reached out to Glorie. Not long after, I was offered the position of response writer. It’s easy to forget this but moments of stillness and reflection are key. It might be a good impression with those you encounter, a bit of advice for someone, or anything else in the “leave it better off than you found it” realm. Whether it’s a day trip, an out-of-state journey, or an experience leaving the country, here are some tried and true traveling tips.
Just because it’s one of those days where they’re sad, uninterested or anything along those lines, doesn’t mean it’s because of you or something you did. Sometimes all they need is space, time to be alone for a little while. If you don’t understand your partner’s mood pattern exactly, watch. Learning how this all works will make it easier for you to, again, accept, understand and comfort.
Equally, you shouldn’t have to violate your boundaries in order to maintain the relationship. Find a way to compromise and grow so both of you feel safe and supported. Half of all adults will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Depression’s emotional, mental and physical toll can dampen relationships, but there are ways to weather the storms. If you love a depressed person and put in the effort, you might shine more light and warmth on your relationship than ever before. You can also offer support by letting them talk about what they’re feeling and providing empathy.
By always encouraging them, it can be difficult to see someone you love suffer or struggle in any way. Dating someone who has depression can be daunting and perplexing because depression affects people differently. However, a lot of people have succeeded in doing that by taking a positive and sympathetic stance.
For example, sometimes I post listicles about books or movies while other times I talk about personal experiences. I feel like I can really talk about things that I am opinionated and passionate about without judgment. Your partner’s mental health is not their identity, and they deserve to be loved as deeply as anyone else.
We can also guide you in approaching a loved one who needs treatment. What has been the biggest obstacle in your relationship, and do you have any other tips you’d like to share with our community? I hope this article has given you deeper insight into what it’s like dating someone with depression and how to cope with it. A boundary might be that when your partner flakes on plans to go out, you still honor that commitment and go out without them. Or it might be that you remove yourself from the situation when they get angry and talk to them when they’ve calmed down a bit. The best thing you can do is ask your partner how you can better support them and channel your energy there.
Encourage and support them, but don’t put the whole weight of their depression on your shoulders. Navigating any romantic relationship — whether it’s dating or marriage — can be a tricky endeavor. Add bipolar disorder with its roller-coaster ride of emotions into the mix, and relationships become even more challenging. But partners of someone suffering from depression may also feel down and depressed if they start neglecting themselves. Remember to balance your relationship with your own well-being, too.